Don’t Become A Quiet Quitter

Hearing the term “quiet quitting” everywhere lately – what is it?

Quiet quitting refers to a whole spectrum of behaviors, but the definition that has taken hold in our culture is concerning – it implies that each moment of our working day can be distilled to a transaction: I’m paid X, so I will give X, and no more.

At face value, it might make logical sense. But when we look beneath that surface reading, this equation is wracked with cynicism that spreads like a cancer and a denial of self and our highest potential that will never lead to fulfillment.

Life is too short to give anything less than your best. Not because other people deserve your best, but because YOU do.

To deny yourself any opportunity to show up as wholly yourself, to lead, to give of your mind and heart to the shared mission of work… to deny that? You do yourself a disservice at the level of your SOUL.

You may be wondering, what if my job or business doesn’t inherently feel meaningful in their work? Or why would I continue to give when it’s not being rewarded?

“At the end of the day, it’s not what we get, but what we give that makes us happy. No one can take away who you’ve become.”

If you keep adding value, you’ll become more as a result, and whether you decide to stay or go, it will be with integrity, knowing you gave it your all and became more in the process.

Progress is what creates happiness and fulfillment. And it’s a universal law that we’re either growing or dying.

If you’re doing a job that doesn’t feel meaningful, where can you find the meaning? How can you see it as an opportunity to give of yourself; because that’s who you are, and not quiet quit, but to develop new skills, take on new challenges, and BECOME more so that you’re more valuable in the marketplace? Where can you decide to show up with your whole heart? Where can you choose to engage instead of disconnect?

“the opposite of burnout isn’t doing nothing, or even scaling back. It’s engagement.”

It means that the solution to disengagement and burnout is within your control – engagement is a choice.

And engagement starts with bringing your whole self to the table.

Aside from your love, the most sacred gift you have to give is your labor.

And the truth is, anytime you show up fully engaged and give of yourself – when you give the sacred gift of your labor, and you do it with commitment and heart – that is what brings meaning and fulfillment.

Now is a time to define yourself against a narrative of resignation and apathy.

Who could you be if, instead of giving into this narrative of complacency, you gave MORE?

Quiet quitting is not the answer.

How would the quality of your days change if you showed up with more intention, more presence and more passion?

This can feel counterintuitive.

How can the antidote to burnout be to do and give more of yourself?

With so much conversation happening around quiet quitting, it’s worth considering an alternate perspective – this is your call to step up and try it for yourself.

Take the next week and dive in head first. Give MORE when you’re tired. Give MORE when you feel resistant. Give MORE when you would rather shut down.

See what happens – you will find another level within yourself.

And once you glimpse that new level of leadership, service and heart… there’s no going back.

Live with passion!

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