Feeling Stuck? There’s a Science to Change

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“Stepping into uncertainty is required of us to break away from what’s not serving us” 

Some believe that people can’t change. 

But in realilty, change is automatic, but progress is not.  

It’s a fundamental law of nature, that you’re either growing or dying. The same goes for human beings.  

To create lasting change, there’s a transformation that needs to take place.  

Think of a situation or change you’ve tried to make for years, and then transformed. 

You might have applied the Chemistry of Transformation without even knowing it. 

See if this formula might serve a current situation you’d like to make a change to… 

1. Satiation

Think about your favorite meal. One you would ask to have for your last night on earth… 

Let’s pretend that you get to have it every night of the week… 

The first few days are glorious. The meal hits the spot again and again. But after a few weeks, something starts growing inside you. 


No matter how much you liked that meal earlier, you’re not satisfied at this point.  

Your desire is met. 

And you start looking again… 

The way this works with problems or something you want to change is that if you don’t solve them at the satiation step, it’ll grow to dissatisfaction.  

2. Dissatisfaction

At this point, the thing you used to feel good about, you feel bad about.  

Your favourite meal no longer makes your mouth water. 

In fact, it does the opposite. It repulses you. 

This step of dissatisfaction is key to getting us to the next step… 

If we remain content in a situation, we lack a compelling reason to change.  

Something that may help you in navigating life is to home in on what’s not satisfying you in this current season. 

What’s not working? 

What’s not serving? 

What could be made better? 

Dissatisfaction leaves clues.

3. Emotional Threshold

This is where the brain says, no more. I’ve been doing the same thing over and over again and I’m getting the same results. 

This doesn’t feel good. 

I’m at my breaking point. 

I can’t keep doing life like this… 

It can feel massively uncomfortable. 

But this is actually a place of power my friend.. 

THRESHOLDS are what create change.

4. Moment of Insight  

Once the emotional threshold is crossed, we have this moment of insight that pops into our brain… 

We realize what we’ve been doing is no longer working, no longer serving us. And we know something is required of us to break away from the way we’ve been operating. 

It’s like a light bulb turning on in our psychology. Or an awakening from a long sleep. 

An ah-ha moment.

5. The Opening: Claim Your New Identity  

Upon getting to your emotional threshold there’s an incredible opportunity to claim a new identity. To truly transform.  

To think to yourself, not another day, not another hour, I’m fixing this now.  

Forget my ego… 

My inability… 

My excuses… 

My fear… 

In that moment there’s an opening that if you jump through…you’re creating lasting transformation in your life. 

But because it’s the unknown we can lose momentum and repeat the entire process again… 

Most people would rather deal with the devil they know than the unknown. 

If you’ve been stuck for years, or doing the same thing over and over, it’s because you’re not jumping through the opening. And then the cycle repeats itself.  

The only way to get through is faith over fear. It doesn’t necessarily have to be faith in a religious sense, but that deep knowing that you’re made for something more. That there’s something larger than yourself pulling and guiding you.  

Because the alternative of repeating the process is far more painful in the long run than stepping into temporary uncertainty.  

So, can people change? They can do better my friend, they can transform. 

And they can never return to the parts of themselves that weren’t serving.  

Is there a situation in your life that doesn’t need you to change, but needs you to apply the chemistry of transformation?  

Here’s to a transformative week

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