Love starts with you

A belief of a world out of balance is that love comes from the outside… 

When in fact, it starts within us

It’s an inside-out experience. It flows both ways. Love is not something we go to get; it’s somewhere we go to give

And despite what the fearful parts of our psychology may say, love is always available to us. 

But our expectations for love can muddy the lens. 

In friendships, with our parents, with our children, and with our romantic partners… 

Innocently, from our conditioning, we create demands for love. 

We place constraints around how we will experience love, what must be done, or how a person must act for us to feel love… 

When in reality that mentality restricts love. 

It doesn’t allow love to flow

It is not love. 

It’s control ! 

Our expectations can cause us to miss the beauty of what’s unfolding right before our eyes in the present moment, often better than we could have ever imagined for ourselves… 

If we can only open to the possibility that love is our nature and love is abundant… 

Open to being curious about who might bump into our frame today… 

Or how an existing connection might be made more full… 

And operate from a place of trying to serve others…instead of operating from a place of trying to get, we can experience a collective love. 

Take a moment to think about a person in your life… 

What would be kind to them? 


What would allow you to be in their shoes for a moment? 

What would light this person up? 

How can you develop habits of warmth and kindness for those in your life that will foster love? 

In any relationship there is an opportunity to lean in, to extend grace, and ultimately offer love. 

Your presence, your smile, your tone of voice…it all matters to someone in your life. 

Let’s love this world in a big way. 

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