The Patterns of life

You know the feeling when you hardly have to think to drive your car? In fact, it’s so automated that you’re able to think about other things while you drive.

Autopilot can be a very helpful tool when it comes to menial tasks.

But when it comes to your life, not so much.

The downside to being on autopilot is that it locks you into being and thinking the same way over and over again, and you actually have less choice in your life.

You can become a prisoner to your own patterns.

And that can be detrimental to your happiness during times of disruption and chaos.

Especially in today’s world where things are moving at a more accelerated tempo than any time in history.

Just turn on the news, it’s enough to scare anyone hearing about what’s going to happen to jobs…

47% of today’s jobs will be gone in 15 years.

We’ll are seeing a huge shift in the workforce. Things are changing, and fast, my friend.

So how can you prepare yourself, your kids, and your grandchildren for what’s to come?

In order to be prepared, you must arm yourself, and anyone you care about with these 3 critical skills…

Pattern recognition

Recognizing patterns gets you out of chaos.

Take nature for example. Nature has seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter.

Our ancestors changed the course of human history when they learned to plant in the spring.

Look around you at the world today. Economic uncertainty, political tribalism, inflation, issues at the border, our attitudes towards our fellow human beings…

Many would say these are chaotic times.

But if you study the patterns of history, you’ll see that what we’re going through happens about every 80 to 100 years. And that’s it’s not unique.

“The greatest benefit to recognizing patterns is that it gives you a pathway to power, and a ladder out of chaos.”

Once you recognize a pattern, you’re out of the chaos. It’s both grounding and perspective granting.

We’re in a challenging time, a winter if you will, but winter is usually when we experience the most growth.

Because the truth is, most of us get really comfortable with our habits until a challenge wakes us up.

Pattern utilization

Once you know the pattern, you need to know how to use it to get better results.

How can you make the pattern work for you?

And in the case of an uncertain economy, how can you profit in this unique time, when everyone else is scared.

What can you do differently?

The unique season we are in is an incredible opportunity to get better results in all areas of life; your job, your business, your health, and your relationships.

Some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs started businesses in the middle of a recession a reaped bountiful rewards…

Winter makes us pause and evaluate.

Winter sharpens.

Winter gives us an edge.

And winter presents an open door to innovate, pivot, and make things better than they were before.

The key is using the pattern, not letting it use you.

Pattern Creation

This is where it gets fun.

Get yourself from being someone who’s trying to manage their circumstances to remembering you are the creator of your life.

There are things you can do to change your life no matter what’s happening.

If there are patterns for pain, there are patterns for pleasure.

What patterns could you create that would bring you more abundance, vitality, passion, success, or wealth to your life?

What daily habit that has you leaning into stress could be replaced with a habit that elates you with joy?

When you can create patterns, you have a different level of power.

Here’s to getting out of autopilot and being intentional about the habits we make!

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